24 Activities with LEGO Six Bricks and Learning through Play

24 Activities with LEGO Six Bricks and Learning through Play


Learning through Play and LEGO Six Bricks

Play unlocks essential skills Through play, children build five flexible skills that help them take on the future with confidence. Here are 24 quick activities for you to try in school or home.

Activity 1 : Can your fingers “see”.

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LEGO® Six Bricks by Care for Education
Can you see a LEGO® brick without your eyes?
Children place 6 bricks randomly in front of them Close eyes, pick up any 1 brick. Describe it while your eyes are still closed.

Teacher can ask the following questions to encourage the description
What shapes can you feel?s it rough / smooth?
How many studs can you feel? s it round / square …?
Do you feel any empty spaces?

Think of some of your own questions.

Activity 2 : Discover Six Bricks

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Discover six Bricks

Children place their 6 bricks, in random order, one next to each other, on their desk - from left to right. (The teacher can mark the desk with LEFT and RIGHT using stickers.) Ask the children to see how quickly they can arrange their bricks. Ask the children to pick up the third brick (from the left); look at it carefully

Q: Can you describe it in detail? (shape; size; colour; texture; etc.)
Teacher asks the children to replace the brick. Now use your left hand to pick up the yellow brick; describe it; replace it. Use your right hand - pick up the last brick; describe it; replace it. See if the children can pick up the 2nd brick, by holding one of the studs only; describe it; replace it, etc. Use both hands at the same time to pick up the 4th and 5th brick.
Q: What colour is in your left hand / right hand
Q: Are these bricks the same / different?
Q: In what ways are they the same / different?