The Undiscovered World of STEM Education

The Undiscovered World of STEM Education


STEM!! This is a term not all of us are aware of; it can be something we have never heard and if heard we are not entirely sure what it means.

STEM programs are different for everyone as there is no right or wrong way to stem..STEM Programs are unique and can be  customized for everyone. There are different models which can be referred as an educator such as

take out: in this model the students are taken out of their classrooms to receive  stem education, where the Stem instruction is considered a "special" or takes place during field trips.

Collaborative : A STEM instructor co-teaches with the lead teacher ,in this a STEM specialist rotates to various classrooms or visits from an outside organization.

Co curricular-it is delivered outside a school day.All the students have equal access to opportunities.


Comprehensive: School adopts a STEM focus for all grade levels and content areas and is the most ambitious model.

Class specific: it is related to the school wide model but only a certain grade adopts a STEM focused curriculum.

According to the NEP curriculum there are numerous schemes which focus on innovation, technology ,science temper which can be incorporated into with help of STEM education.

Though STEM is universal,the programs can be different across grade levels and this is one of the challenges for STEM educators ,as most of us have to teach a broad range of students from different grade levels on the same day.

Let's go through some specific ideas across different grades and see how STEM can be modified to align the interest and skills for all ages.

Early childhood: ( 3 to 6 years)

It can be as simple as using many wonderful toys and games that can capture the child's love for playing with LEGO #Everyone can play six brick activities at bit and brick which develops skills like grasp concepts through manipulation, become attentive ,and are able to move hands and fingers with precision.


Elementary level(7 to 10 years): the focus is primarily on developing students' fluency in reading,writing and mathematics. In this age group students apply their  literacy skills where the session becomes more valuable with the 21st century skills such as  collaboration, critical thinking, creativity with the help  of #everyone can make using BBC micro bit which also introduces the computational thinking in the age group 

STEM in Middle School(11 to 13 years): the students are more independent and is more focused on their ambitions for the future by highlighting STEM fields and occupation, and then we have STEM in high school(14 to 18): students should be able to apply STEM in a methodical way and should be able to implement it with the emphasis on out of the school opportunities such as World Robotics Olympiad ,FIRST Lego League, First Tech Challenge,World Stem and Robotics Olympiad.

At Bit & Brick, we believe in preparing educators through different aspects and levels of STEM simultaneously providing grade based learning opportunities to students .We offer after school clubs or center based experiences as a group of 4:1 and also 1:1 coaching and mentoring .

Join Bit & Brick to explore, learn and teach  STEM and become a unique individual through our learning experience.

#everyone can play #Everyone can make.